Another day in the life of… Erik Briones

Short term goals…

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TWO months of the year 2010 has passed and I think I am basically on the same “figurative” plane as I was before.

Not really though. I have been constantly reading articles about design from a guy who does make a lot of sense to me. I emailed him, and told him that I have learned a lot from what he has been writing. Some articles go back as far as 2006.

They are the fundamentals. The basics that I missed when I hopped on to the web design train some 8 years ago.

I used to read Jakob Nielsen then. But it seems to me like designing sites like would get me zero clients. 😉 Then again, the basics of what he has preached still holds true. That people don’t want to think when they browse a website.

And in the words I will borrow from mr Andy, “everything in context”.

Short term goals. Alright then. I must climb up this curve. This sine wave!

Well, I will focus, or at least try to focus on Digital djing, with my VCI100SE. Alongside with that, I would like to lose some weight.

Only time will prove that those two things may require only 2-3months.

Written by erikbriones

February 28, 2010 at 1:15 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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